2018 is going to be a groundbreaking year for the dance community

Thursday, February 1, 2018
 Dance studios, parents, and dancers rejoice! 2018 is going to be a groundbreaking year for the dance community. Below you will find our development roadmap and a short summary of each item listed. Next week we will dive deeper into each one and fill you in with all of the juicy details. Let us know if you have any questions by submitting a comment below.

1. What is Esteem? 
Esteem is a digi-comp by DanceComp Genie. Submit a video of you performing any routine that you registered to a competition using DCG registration for your chance to win up to $1000. With multiple divisions and placements in each division, there are lots of ways to win big!
2. A new DanceComp Genie Registration? 
Yes! We have done a complete rebuild of our software with cutting-edge technology. Registration will be streamlined with the help of AI. More details to come next week!
3. A Dakiki app? For Dakiki.com?
This is going to revolutionize the way studios and parents/dancers communicate. Dakiki.com was a research product that is being amplified way beyond its current features.
4. What is the Dakiki Studio Manager? 
We've spent years researching and developing this product. While it includes your typical class registration/management tools, it is soo much more than that. It's also going to be free for your studio to use. No more monthly charges for your registration system. The real beauty of the system will be revealed next week as we share more news. In a nutshell, it's designed to boost your revenue and client retention.
We thank you for your part in the DCG Community and appreciate your on-going support and feedback. The more people we spread the word to the better the products become thanks to feedback and resource growth! Let's do this together!